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10 Best Wedding Tips of 2019 You'll Wish You Read Sooner!



Do you want 10 of the best Wedding tips of 2019?

This post shows Organization tips, Importance of setting a time for Photos, When to splurge, How to entertain the kids during the wedding/reception, prepping your footwork, Best way to send Thank You cards, How to prepare the week of the wedding and more!....


How to stay organized

Keep a spread sheet or journal of things like Contracts, Timeline and To-Do lists in a digital folder like Drop Box so that It will always be accessible.

Wedding journal


Breaking in your new shoes

If you have slippery soles you can try scrubbing your soles with actual sand paper or get slip proof pads to stick on, also try using a heel cuff to keep your pumps from sinking in the grass.

There is nothing more terrible than wearing a pair of shoes that may potentially have you looking like you need a WALKER by The First Dance!

Now, we all know the term "Pain Is Beauty" BUT! We have to take a smarter approach, I mean after all, whose hoping to start off their marriage with fresh corns and blisters.

Another GREAT hack is to run a blow dryer on the inside of your shoe to loosen it in width for that perfect fit!


Photo Timing is crucial

Taking photos can be very tedious so scheduling to take most of your photos before the wedding can save a lot of time and prevent a long wait to your reception.

Having a cocktail hour can allow your guest to have a small bite and mingle a bit until the remaining photos are finished.

Taking this approach allows you more time to spend dancing and fellow shipping with loved ones verses spending two hours of your paid venue time in the courtyard having a full on photo session with starving guest awaiting your arrival.


Splurge a little

Splurge on a great Hairstylist and Makeup artist. We all know that your wedding day is about both the bride and groom however we can all admit that the one getting the most attention is typically the bride. So, make sure you're standing out! You will have these photos FOREVER and when you look back on this most memorable day, you'll want to see a more polished version of your natural beauty!

Doing a Hair and Makeup trial is crucial to finding the right look for your wedding day, so plan to have a formal meet and greet with your artist to try out a couple of looks.

Keep in mind that your artist is meeting you for the first time so searching the web ahead of time to have an inspiration look in mind helps guide your artist in making recommendations.


Wedding week

Take off the week of your wedding so that you'll have time to handle last minute tasks, get rest and/or prepare for out of town guests.

Prepare your wedding day bag with some essentials especially if you don't have a planner. Although you have a MOH for a reason, you don't want to get to the wedding only to have your bridesmaids running all over the city to get items you could have pre-planned for. (Safety pins, Double sided tape, Band-Aids, Tide wipes, Scissors, Deodorant, Breath mints, Tylenol etc..)

Get your house in order because you may have unexpected guest to stop in.

Purchase extra Towels, Throw blankets, Snacks, Hand and Body soaps, Coffee, Water bottles, Candles for ambiance and Fresh scent etc....

This week will likely get hectic so make sure to (Stay hydrated, Plan for a protein filled breakfasts and a hardy lunches/dinners.

Have your ring Cleaned and/or Re-sized! This might sound like a no brainier but their have been countless times that brides were searching Google listings trying to find a near by jewelry expert on their wedding day to squeeze them in.

Not only does this take up unnecessary time but it may have you spending more money for a rush service

FYI: Most jewelers clean for the low price of $Free.99


Save some money

1.Book a vacation rent rather that a traditional venue, this way all of your guests can stay in these homes and you can all pitch in on the cost.

2. Have your Reception at a restaurant that already has a great atmosphere and beautiful decor.You can still pay for all of your guests if you like and save a ton.

3. Seek out for a venue that allows you to use your own vendors. Sometimes you're stuck with a more expensive chef or photographer when you perhaps know a more economical vendor and has a much better portfolio.

4. Have your wedding on a day other than Saturday as this is the most sought after day to get married. Instead try a Thursday,Friday or Sunday. This may not as convenient for your guests but it'll keep more money in your pocket to use on a honey moon, new home etc..

5. Send out digital invites verses the traditional paper invitations. At the end of the day, we get it, hard copy invitations are gorgeous but where will they inevitably end? You got it! In that o'le silver can AKA The dumpster.

Online invites can be just as beautiful and creative.


Entertain the Kids

Give the kids something to do at the wedding to lessen the temper tantrums such as coloring pages and crayons,

this is very inexpensive and kids love it.

You could also

(Set up a game room, Provide fun snacks and/or Hire a professional sitter.)


Thank you card Hack

Having every one of your guests address to send out Thank you notes is unlikely. I suggest giving your self a head start by having envelopes and pins handy for your guests to fill in their own address during cocktail hour.

Provide a drop box to house them, this way your only task is to write the letter throw on a stamp and pop them in the mail! Now, how easy it that?


Wedding Day

Give some one the task of answering your calls and messages because you don't want to overwhelm yourself with annoying questions and last minute cancellations.

Give yourself enough prep time before the wedding, the last thing you want is to be late to your own wedding still putting on lashes and and hair accessories.


Greeting your guests

During the greeting process try to hold on to your new spouse so that you guys share the same memories for the evening and it make it easier when wedding guests want to take pictures or introducing one another to guests that you may not have met.

Have a speech prepared for overly chatty guest so that you all have time to work the entire room.

Ex:( "I'm so glad you could be here to share this moment with us, I will be sure to swing back by before the night is over.")

Expect for there to be a few hiccups in your day, because Nothing Is Perfect.

Try having a wedding planner/coordinator or loved one to handle any unforeseen mishaps so that you're left singing and dancing the night away sweating off your false lashes.



Having a plan in place when planning a wedding can be critical whether you're hiring a wedding consultant or not.

Tones of brides have no idea what steps to take or just simply can't think of it all.

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